
My E-Portfolio

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Professional Philosophy


Philosophies vary from time to time because we live in a world that moves at a very fast pace, and we have to move our ideas with it. I am currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Secondary Education with a concentration in educational technology. As an educator, I want prepare students not only for college, but for the world we live in today. My philosophy of education is very simple. I believe that learning should be fun while still conducive to learning!

During the pursuit of my degree, I was very fortunate to have an array of different teachers with different teaching styles and different philosophies. However, I was fortunate to have had a few very special teachers who passionately touched my life and whom I’ll never forget.  Their contributions and works are quite an inspiration in my career. In putting together this philosophy my purpose is to put together a philosophy that stands on a plan that I believe will most successfully engage real world, authentic learning. I strongly believe that engaging students in real-life lessons and hands on activities gives you an opportunity as an educator to make future problem-solvers, creators, doers, thinkers, leaders, etc. This will promote life-long learning, and learning for future. By doing all of this I also strive everyday to create a fun atmosphere in my classroom that will still contribute to their learning. Within a fun atmosphere, come love, caring, passion, and time.

 I also believe that all students of all races, socio-economic status, religious background, likes and dislikes or any other classification are deserving of a holistic education. This will allow students to fully discover their strengths and weaknesses and most of all their brilliant ideas! With this approach students are also exposed to different cultures and experiences that they otherwise would not have the opportunity to encounter.




For now, I want to continue to grow professionally with a focused interest in 21st century skills and e-learning.  I want to eventually earn my doctorate degree within the area of Education Technology. I also want to continue to engage in support for language minority students and learn from educators who are committed to advancing their academic achievement to do the same thing.

I am also a firm advocate of the 21st century learning tools and strategies; I want to show students and teachers how to take advantage of all the tools that are accessible for them to use to enhance their education.

For all these reasons and more, I strive to help teachers “transform” their classrooms into 21st century classrooms that will promote learning for the future. Without a doubt, all schools and teachers will need an extremely broad range of technological expertise in order to excel in the future.  I will help foster the exposure to teachers and students the wide magnitudes of technology programs and instructional methods that can help all students succeed in the future. Part of my goal is to make available support to the educators who face challenges transforming their classrooms. I believe that together we can smooth the transition to technology-integrated classrooms by setting these goals, effective plans and finally making it happen for 21st century learning and our future leaders of this world. 

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